Complaint Form
This form should be utilized to file a specific complaint against a Cass County Sheriff's Office Deputy/Employee or Plattsmouth Police Department Officer/Employee. If you wish to file a complaint, please utilize the form below. You may also email or write to the Cass County Sheriff's Office or Plattsmouth Police Department at the following addresses.
Cass County Sheriff's Office Plattsmouth Police Department
c/o Professional Standards c/o Captain
336 Main Street 336 Main Street
Plattsmouth, Nebraska 68048 Plattsmouth, Nebraska 68048
Forms are also available in the front lobby at the following address:
Law Enforcement Center
336 Main Street
Plattsmouth, Nebraska 68048
If this is an emergency, call 911. If a crime has taken place, call 911.
We will contact you if additional information is warranted.